
Order Pickup: 
150 Elgin Street, 8th Floor in the TCC office.


Create a free website for your business in minutes, with Google

Every business needs a website. There is no question about it. Websites are cheap (literally the least expensive piece of real estate you can buy). When you setup tools online to help streamline your business then some magic can happen too! Some business owners settle...

What is it like to run a printing shop in Ottawa?

Today we are going to take a break from our usual marketing and printing related blogs and tell you a bit about us and our print shop in Ottawa. Our regular schedule is to post some marketing advice for potential and existing clients to help promote their businesses...

Free Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Business

You are running your business or perhaps just starting out and you know that your products or services are terrific and that your customer service and pricing is top notch however you may be struggling to get the word out about your business to attract new customers....

What Info Should My Business Cards Have on Them?

An age-old marketing tool such as the business card is so much more than just an info card for giving business data out to potential clients. Your tiny business cards pack the power to frame a more individual association with prospects that can create personal...

Create Lasting Customers by Understanding Their Values

You have most likely heard the saying that it takes seven times as much effort to land a new customer compared to simply maintaining an existing customer. If you have been in business for a while you definitely understand the value of maintaining great relationships...