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Make Your Promotional Calendar Unique

A themed calendar has proven to make the biggest impact as a marketing asset. This strategy, however, is challenging and hectic, but designers have come up with a way to ensure this challenge is eased. Here are some tips that will help you come up with a uniquely themed calendar with just a few steps:

Step 1: Plan Out Your Calendar Themes by Month

Firstly, you should decide on what your goals are, what information do you want to reach your customers, are you looking to gain new customers or cement your relationship with your current customers or are you looking to increase walk-ins or create awareness of a new program.

No matter what business you are running there is a theme that will be relevant to your business.

Finally, if you have multiple goals that you wish to achieve during specific months you may gear up your promotion themes for every month of the year.

Step 2: Pick Appropriate Holidays to Highlight

The calendar theme and holiday highlights you decide on should reflect all your business or brand goals. However, the holiday you select does not always have to have anything to do with the services or products you offer. Coupons can come in handy here and will create positive credibility as you show support for other businesses.

Step 3: Coordinate Your Business Cycles with Your Calendar Theme

All businesses have peak seasons and down seasons. Having a clear idea of when these highs and lows come along will help you maximize on your promotional events. There is always that week in every business that gets everyone on edge and everyone is busy, this is the time you do not need to increase foot traffic.

Step 4: Your Themed Calendar Works Better with Other Marketing Ideas

Giveaways, rewards programs, promotional items are just some of the other marketing ideas you can use to compliment your themed calendar. This will always make your customers feel appreciated and special and most of all part of your business’ family. You may think that this means that you drop a couple of more bucks into a marketing program. Good news, this is not the case, the most effective promotional items are the most memorable ones, like recipe cars.

Step 5: Pick Your Calendar Type

Work with a team of professionals who will be able to understand what your business needs and come up with a custom theme for your calendar which will not only be appreciated by you but by your customers too.

A calendar theme goes a long way to make your business stand out and attract more traffic over the months.