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Customer Journey Upgrades in 4 Easy Steps

Unequally dishing out the same approach to customers on a different journey to gain leads and traffic is wrong. Your conversion rate suffers when there is a gap in communication regarding the mindset your customer has about the product.

That is why it’s crucial to message your customers in their customer journey consistently. The contest between both mentioned forces attributes to the success of your campaigns, especially startups. The icebreaker would be finding a way to match consistent messaging with the level of awareness of the client.

Part of writing this blog is finding the right way to scale up your conversion rate and marketing effort.

4 stages of customer awareness

In existence is 4 steps of consumer’s enlightenment or awareness in their customer journey. Make use of a toothache as an illustration:

  1. Unaware: it has occurred to you that there might be a problem even as your tooth is getting torn out, you still feel empty.
  2. Aware: You know you have a tooth problem but for some reason choose to ignore it, hoping it will heal on its own, but it is getting worse.
  3. Thinking: The tooth problem pinches you every now then, but you are reluctant to get it out. But somehow you manage to get the contact of dentists in your area, just in case
  4. Hurting: Now that you know the tooth can no longer get ignored because of the excruciating pain, relieve set in when a dentist walks in.

A lot of people would rather have that excruciating pain and procrastinate until it gets worse before making their buying decision.

How you choose to handle your customers in their time or stage of unawareness and help them towards a better phase of their customer’s journey should be your goal. To reach that means having to set up a threshold at the earlier stage of their awareness. It will set the tone of what to expect that your product can do for them even if they are not at stage four at the moment.

Unaware of becoming aware

If you start up a business that is not common or popular, it is your job to enlighten your customers who might seem cold towards you at first.

It means no sales pitches or anything related to them buying your product at the moment.

When the excitement of a startup gets to a particular stage, it might seem like the right time to broadcast the solution(product) to a problem only you seem to know about at the moment. The first step is to enlighten your audience about a possible problem which they might not think they have, otherwise you might be talking to a brick wall.

You have to start speaking to them about things that they are facing at the moment, and they can connect to with, such as heated concerns and pain points which they can relate to at the moment. Immediately you have a common ground and something that you both can agree on; it makes logical sense to introduce the problem in the discussion.

For example, you come across a book writer that does his marketing himself, but he only needs 30000 units of prints a week. Because you can fulfil that order comfortably, the client believes they are way ahead of schedule and can meet up with their current demand for the book or books.

In your attempt to sell more prints and still meet up with any surge in demand, you can pitch to the client or make them aware of how their book can go viral.

How this will work out for you

You can start by doing a catchy title in a blog post that you can share with the client. For example, “Hidden reason why viral might hurt an unprepared business.”

The real reason behind this your post is to enlighten the clients in an impersonal manner about the potential of having unhappy clients down the line in case the book goes viral.

Here we move into awareness.

Aware of thinking

Thinking of a solution to solve an existing problem is the current stage the customer is in at the moment. It’s ok to point it out to them at the initial step that yes, a problem and a solution also exist hand in hand. From there on then pitching can start about how your company is the next best thing to hit this planet.

The pitching gets usually done on your landing page or website where customers can quickly order for this solution after reading your call to action. It also goes together with all the pages, campaigns, post, and comment on your website that builds up the customer’s interest.

Try out many solutions to a current problem in your existing environment and see where you can come up with new solutions. If you are having difficulties, you can also visit the previous steps where you can connect the lines to where you are now.

A customer who already knows there is a problem is hypothetically looking for a solution. It is up to you to convince them that they should take your word for it and rid themselves of the problem at the moment.

Think of hurting or buying

Now that you have them on their toes begging you to buy. It is the time to start giving them or describing to them how it would look like if they use your product to solve the current problem. And what the world would look like if they didn’t have the product in the future.

“Imagine” is a word people love to use to stir up the thinking of the buyer into making that purchase. The benefit the product can give to them. Another scenario that companies paint is the scenario of loss the customer can experience if they don’t buy the product.

Those who are new visitors to your page should have a message ” imagine ” greeting them as they explore for what they are looking for on your site. Older visitors still thinking of dropping order might need “imagine” at the tail end of checking out.

Make sure your messaging and keyword phrases are in line to put the customer on the right path so that they don’t start having doubts.

Buying is a process in marketing that has gets hammered into the mindset of people for a long time. Identify, stress on pain, and provide a solution at the end.

You can use ”imaging” to illustrate with the example provided like, ” Imagine meeting up with demand when your book goes viral.”

It sends a message to your client and evokes them to take action.

You can’t skip the buying process if your customers are unaware that they have a problem. Be interested in the stage they are in on their customer’s journey and meet them halfway. That is the only way to make them a customer.

Nobody wants to remain in pain. Heating on the pain points gets their attention.

It is called a journey because there are stages involved and not a straightforward process. Trying to skip any step is equivalent to having a low conversion rate. Keep tabs on how and when you can move from stage to stage.