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7 blunders committed on Instagram by brands

Instagram is one of the fastest-growing platforms online, for that reason, a lot of brands are trooping in to get a feel. Its growth has been the ability to connect critical demographics and content that brands love to use in connecting with their customers.


The majority of these brands, however, have no content/engagement on their page, just followers (which is not the correct metric of measuring success). The question is, why do you go through all this stress if you are going to ruin your effort with these blunders.


. 1 Not posting consistently


Your brand Instagram page shouldn’t be an on and off thing for anything you feel is relevant to your customers. Yes, it means putting out content consistently, maybe not daily, but pertinent to your niche. When customers don’t find your page exciting or engaging, they can ditch it.


  1. Skipping comments on others page


Your followers are humans too. Once in a while take the time to know what is happening in their own feed and comment. If you skip commenting on their post, it shows you do not care. It would also remove the personal touch from your page and make you a robot. Have likes and comment on other influencers page too.

  1. Unnecessary use of hashtags

It is okay if you can post niche related hashtags on each of your posts. But when it becomes excessive, it can start to derail your reputation and make you look like spam. Hashtags if adequately used, can showcase your page and content in a good light.


  • Sounding like a robot

Yes, it is your professional page; that doesn’t mean it has to be boring or impersonal. Fashion out the post that makes people laugh and meet their needs as well. Instead of sounding all robotic with the official stuff in your content, try sounding informal for once. It will earn you a decent following if you do.


  1. When your content is not value-oriented.


If you don’t post relevant stuff that is important to people, your page might probably be stale. Innovation comes from knowing what to post that will be relevant to your followers. Promos, discounts, and deals go a long way in engaging the fans and draw them closer to your brand. Offering inbound links to your website too for relevant content helps a lot also.


  1. Not being innovative


Innovation comes from knowing what you are doing and improving on it through learning. Data is an essential aspect of that learning if you can leverage it. Find out what works and what doesn’t and leverage on it.


In conclusion, it can only better on Instagram if you continue putting out great content and understand your metrics. Your investment will come right if your followers are at the center of your attention.